My Story

A lily or a rose never pretends, and its beauty is that is what it is.

— Jiddu Krishnamurti

Consider the lilies how they grow; they neither toil nor spin…

Luke 12: 27-28

My mother and father named me Suzanne Kay Peloquin at 4:30am on April 22nd 1975. I didn’t know that my first name stood for something until I was in middle school and at that point I was too obsessed with being popular and having a boyfriend that I certainly didn’t care. When my husband and I started to dream about our children’s names it became more meaningful but it certainly wasn’t until the summer of 2021 that I went deep diving into name derivatives particularly mine. Suzanne means Lily of Valley. I found this to be incredibly serendipitous because I met my husband in Eau Claire, Wi also known as the Chippewa Valley and I have lived, worked and raised my children here for over half of my life now. A Lily is a representation of beauty, purity, transformation, strength, devotion and rebirth. There are so many different color lilies and they all seem to be clothed in dignity and strength, but what’s important to point out is that though you can go to your local garden center and grab a pot of lilies to plant around your home, they don’t necessarily need you because these plant species thrive in the wild. Lilies are native in various environments worldwide.

I certainly identify with the wild lily. I desire my life to be colorful and playful. I am strong and devoted. I appreciate the transformative opportunities in life and growing as an individual. I’m inspired by beauty and creation. I absolutely love people! I have never until now (2022) been able to figure out how I can do all the things I love to do under one umbrella. This website and all the things in it are my wild lillies. It is my lifestyle brand. To put it simply: I love entertaining and the blessings of hospitality. I myself entertain guests in my home and work. I’m a designer of atmosphere: with family, celebrations, events, and music.
I desire to take care of and value the talents I’ve been given and I want to inspire beauty, devotion, strength and transformation wherever I am and go. I don’t want to be told I can only do one thing. I just want to be… me… a wild lily.

* I live in the country on a quaint hobby farm. Married for almost 25 years, with 2 amazing kiddos and the best dog on the planet!

*I have been singing, performing, creating shows, organizing gatherings/parties and events for over 20 years. It would bring me great joy to assist you in your life celebrations!

Let’s Talk!

Suzanne Kendziera